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One Sunday morning, I woke up around 1:00, but I couldn’t fall back to sleep.

Later that morning, I was exhausted while preparing for church as a sleep-deprivation headache struck me.

While undergoing my routine sermon readthroughs, I stopped and placed my head on the counter. I feared that this would be the first time I’d be unable to give 100% to the preaching moment.

But on the way to church that morning, I stopped by Starbucks to get a cup of coffee—with two extra shots of espresso!

Oh yeah!

As soon as I sipped it, my eyes lit up like Beyoncé’s at the Grammys.

The espresso gave me a boost. It gave me energy. It gave me strength.

In this life, when you feel weak, when you feel like it’s too much for you, God will be your Espresso.

God will give a boost. God will give you energy. God will give you strength. God will do for you what you cannot do for yourself.