While browsing in Target one day, I stumble upon the light bulb section.
As I marvel over the different kinds of light bulbs, one courageous light bulb says to me, “Sir, I don’t know who you are or where you’re from! But I’ve got some things I need to get off my chest! . . . I desire to be a good, long-lasting light bulb! But I can’t do my job unless I’m connected to a power source! I can’t do what I’ve been created to do unless I’m connected to a power source! I can’t shine unless I’m connected to a power source!”
Like this light bulb in Target, you can be the biggest, fanciest, smartest, boldest light bulb in the room.
But if you’re not connected to the Power Source, you cannot shine. If you’re not connected to the Power Source, you can’t do what you’ve been created to do.
God is your Power Source.